Holy Habits
Image 9.jpg Fellowship - Introduction

Fellowship - Personal Bible Study

Fellowship - Forming the Habit

Fellowship and the Methodist Way of Life

Prayer - Introduction

Prayer - Pray Your Way (Page 1)

Prayer - Pray Your Way (Page 2)

Prayer - Personal Bible Study

Prayer - Forming the Habit

Prayer and the Methodist Way of Life

Daily Prayers (from 27 March)

Daily Prayers (for Holy Week)

Daily Prayers (for Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Week)

Daily Prayers (from 17 April)

Daily Prayers (Julian of Norwich)

Daily Prayers (St Francis of Assisi)

Daily Prayers (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin)

Daily Prayers (St John of the Cross}

Daily Prayers (Thy Kingdom Come)

Prayer - Exploring Prayer through Art

Prayer - Exploring Prayer through Poetry

Prayer - Questions for us to Consider

Biblical Teaching - Introduction

Biblical Teaching - Personal Bible Study

Biblical Teaching - Resource Sheet

Biblical Teaching - Forming the Habit

Biblical Teaching and the Methodist Way of Life

Biblical Teaching 1

Biblical Teaching 2

Biblical Teaching 3

Biblical Teaching 4

Biblical Teaching 5

Biblical Teaching 6

Biblical Teaching 7

Biblical Teaching 8

Biblical Teaching - Bible Verse Decoration

Biblical Teaching - Open the Book

Biblical Teaching - Questions for us to Consider

Serving - Introduction

Serving - Personal Bible Study

Serving - Forming the Habit

Serving and the Methodist Way of Life

Serving - A Conversation about Serving 1

Serving - A Conversation about Serving 2

Sharing Resources - Introduction

Sharing Resources - Personal Bible Study

Gladness & Generosity - Introduction

Gladness & Generosity - Personal Bible Study

Gladness & Generosity - Forming the Habit

Worship - Introduction

Worship - Personal Bible Study

Worship - Forming the Habit

Worship in Different Stages of Life (Page 1)

Worship in Different Stages of Life (Page 2)

Breaking Bread - Introduction

Breaking Bread - Personal Bible Study

Breaking Bread - Forming the Habit

Eating Together - Introduction

Eating Together - Personal Bible Study

Eating Together - Forming the Habit

Making More Disciples - Introduction

Making More Disciples - Personal Bible Study

Making More Disciples - Forming the Habit

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