Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals
Baptisms (Christenings)
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The Methodist Church baptises (Christens) babies and young children. Usually this takes place in the 10:30 service. The minister will want to meet the parents and explain the significance of Christian baptism, before agreeing a date. This is usually after the parents have met with one of our members, to see the church and make some initial enquiries about Christian baptism.

A 'Thanksgiving' means that babies and children receive a blessing and parents are invited to offer thanks to God for their child. Baptism would then take place when the child is older.

How do I go about having my child Baptised or Blessed?

1. Contact the minister by phone 01962 882828 or click here to email.

2. The minister will refer you to a church member who will meet you at the church and answer your initial enquiries.

3. The minister will meet you to explain Christian baptism or thanksgiving and set a date for the service.

Frequently asked questions...

  • Do I have to belong to the church for my child to be baptised? No, we will be glad to meet you! We take the care of our families seriously so will invite you to various events and keep in contact with you over time.

  • Can I have God-parents? Yes you can, and there is no rule to say how many or who they should be. The God-parents promise to help you raise your child in the Christian faith.

  • Is there a fee? No, although in the service, there is an offering to God. This is in money, which goes to help the work of the church. Part of your thanksgiving would be contributing to this offering.

  • Do you have a room we could use for a party afterwards? Yes, bookable (at a charge) through Katrina - click here to email her. (Kindly note, no alcohol is allowed)

  • I'm an adult, can I be Baptised? Adults usually attend church for some time before making such a commitment. They are normally baptised and confirmed in a service and so become members of the Methodist Church. Talk to the minister about such possibilities.
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The Methodist Church believes that marriage is a gift of God and that it is God's intention that a marriage should be a life-long union in body, mind and spirit. The Methodist Church welcomes everyone, whether or not a member, who enquires about an intended marriage.

The minister will be delighted to explore with couples the nature of Christian marriage, help them through the wedding day and offer pastoral support thereafter.

A date and agreement to marry the couple will only be made after the couple have made an arrangement to meet with the minister for an initial interview. At this interview, the minister will:

  • explain the registration procedure
  • advise the couple of the fees
  • explore the appropriateness of the intended marriage in the Methodist Church
  • explain the need to meet the couple on about three separate occasions before the wedding to explore Christian marriage and to discuss the content of the service.
How do I go about getting married in Chandler's Ford Methodist Church?
  1. Contact the minister by phone 01962 882828 or click here to email
  2. The minister will arrange to meet you for an initial interview at the church and:
    1. answer your questions and explain the legal procedure
    2. explore the appropriateness of your marriage in a Methodist Church
  3. The minister will agree a date, time and fees with you and expect to meet you on about three occasions prior to the wedding to explore Christian marriage and the content of the service.
Frequently asked questions...
  • Is there a fee? Yes:
    • The minister: £110
    • The Church: £100
    • The Organist: £50
    • The Flowers: £ by arrangement
  • Do I have to belong to the church to be married? No, but there are legal residency qualifications which the minister will explain.

  • Should I set the date and book the reception before seeing the minister? No, please speak to the minister at an early stage of your preparation to check the church and minister availability.

  • Do the Banns need to be read? No, not in the Methodist Church. However, there is a notification period through the registrar. The registration procedure will be fully explained at the interview. Asking questions very early, avoids your disappointment.

  • I am divorced, can I still get married? Yes, but the minister will want to explore the reasons behind the previous marriage breakdown before proceeding. In certain exceptional circumstances, the minister may decide that it would be inappropriate to conduct the wedding and refer you to another minister or another church.

  • Can I have a Same Sex Marriage in the Methodist Church? Yes, Chandlers Ford Methodist Church and about 400 other Methodist Churches are now registered for Same Sex Marriage.
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The death of a loved one is a distressing and bewildering time. One might feel a complex array of emotions and the process of organising the funeral is one more concern. Together with the funeral director, the minister and church will guide you through the funeral service and support you in the days and years to come.

Our funerals co-ordinator is Katrina Neale, who is our Church Centre Manager. She will be happy to discuss preliminaries with you and answer your questions. Her phone number is 023 8026 0128.

What should I do if I want to arrange a funeral in Chandler's Ford Methodist Church?

  1. Contact a funeral director in the first instance
  2. The funeral director will contact the minister and arrange for the church and minister to be available
  3. The minister will call you to arrange a visit where:
    • The minister will be concerned for your grief and listen to your needs
    • The minister will discuss your requirements in the funeral service: suitable hymns, readings, music, flowers, orders of service and any other requests you may have
    • The minister will discuss with you the content of a tribute to your loved one within the service.
  4. On the day of the funeral, the minister will meet you at the church and conduct the service with reverence in accordance with your wishes and the discussion which took place at the visit.
  5. Following the funeral, the minister will be glad to keep in touch and visit you according to your need.
Frequently asked questions...
  • Is there a fee? Yes, the funeral director will discuss this with you and pay the minister and organist directly.

  • I would like a particular poem read, is this alright? Yes. Do discuss your wishes with the minister.

  • Can I play CDs in the church? It is possible to play most musical requests, either on CD, or on the organ.

  • Can I show pictures of my loved one during the service? Yes, it is possible to show pictures via a digital projector.

  • Is it possible for me to speak about my loved one in the service? Yes, please discuss this with the minister when (s)he visits you.

  • I would like an order of service printed. Can the church do this? This can be done at the church (charge applies) or commercially.

  • Can I get a recording of the service? Yes, it is possible for the church to record onto a CD.

  • Can I put a basket at the door for gifts in memoriam for a chosen charity? Yes, and the duty steward will count it up and give you the money on the day of the funeral.

  • Does the same minister attend the crematorium or burial? Yes, and the minister will conduct a short committal service.

  • Some people have a short committal service at the grave or at the crematorium and then return to the church for a thanksgiving service. Is this possible? Yes; it is particularly appropriate where there is to be a gathering for guests afterwards. Speak to the funeral director about all the possibilities at the time of arranging the time and date.

  • Do you have a room we could use for a gathering afterwards? Yes, please talk to the funeral director about this request at the time of booking the funeral as it will influence which date is possible at the church. (Kindly note, no alcohol is allowed).